How can you take advantage of the early Spring to improve your running fitness and put a Spring back in your step?


How can you take advantage of the early Spring to improve your running fitness and put a Spring back in your step?


Spring is here, although Winter is fighting a rearguard action as I write this! Here are some ways you can use the Spring season to your advantage in building your running fitness.

You can run later in the day.

The longer days mean you have more options for your daily runs with after work runs in daylight becoming available. Apart from a useful stress relief after a busy working day, running later has the advantage that your body will have warmed up during the day, making you feel more ready. Of course if you have been stuck behind a desk all day, it is probably a good idea to do some warm ups to loosen up before you venture out!

Some off road trails are starting to dry out.

If you are thinking of getting into trail running, now is a good time to start thinking about it. With dryer warmer weather, the number of routes available for your regular runs is starting to open up, and variety is the spice of life if you need to keep your running mojo going.

There are more running races and events.

No doubt you are noticing this in your email inboxes and social media feeds! At this time of year there are many more running events than the Winter months, and planning a running event really helps to focus your training.

The sunshine is here and its warm!

The increased sunshine helps improve mood and releases essential Vitamin D for the benefit of your health. Of course you also need to start thinking about sun cream as those UV rays increase!

If you need advice about your running health and how to stay active without injury, check out my other blogs and posts on my website and social media.


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