Understanding Heel Pain:  3 Top Causes and How to Manage Them

Heel pain

  Heel pain can be a debilitating issue, affecting people of all ages and activity levels. Whether you’re an athlete, a professional who spends long hours on your feet, or simply someone who enjoys walking, heel pain can significantly impact your daily life. Understanding the underlying causes of heel pain is crucial for effective management…

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3 signs that it is ok to start running again after an injury

  3 signs that it is ok to start running again after an injury You are more or less pain free in normal daily activities and cross training exercises such as cycling, swimming and walking. Pain levels should be low, not increasing with activity and settling quickly after exercise. You have been doing your rehabilitation…

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  Recently I have had a couple of runners call in, both claiming to have problems with their Achilles tendon, and in both cases it wasn’t that at all! Very reasonable assumptions from them as the pain was in that area, but a careful taking of the injury history followed by a detailed examination revealed…

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When and how to return to running after a running injury   How do I get there from here? A common concern expressed by injured runners I see is how to manage their recovery back to running after a lay off. Obviously it is not sensible to go straight back to preinjury levels of running,…

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Plantar Plate Tear. Your questions answered.

Plantar Plate Tear. Your questions answered.     Introduction: Plantar plate tear is a common injury that affects the ligament in the ball of the foot, leading to pain, instability, and discomfort. This injury which almost nobody will have heard of (unless you have had it!)  is actually quite a common foot  problem that I…

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