Heel That Pain – Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis, or Plantar Fasciopathy, is a repetitive strain injury to the thick band of connective tissue, called the Plantar Fascia, which runs underneath the foot and gives extra support and stability when standing and walking. As it is a major load bearing structure of the foot it is predisposed to…

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What is Retrocalcaneal Bursitis and how can it be treated?

What is the Retrocalcaneal Bursa and where is it located? The Retrocalcaneal bursa is a fluid filled cushion that sits between the achilles tendon and the heel bone at the back of the heel, reducing friction where the Achilles tendon bends over the back of the heel before it goes up the leg. You cannot…

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Understanding Heel Pain:  3 Top Causes and How to Manage Them

Heel pain

  Heel pain can be a debilitating issue, affecting people of all ages and activity levels. Whether you’re an athlete, a professional who spends long hours on your feet, or simply someone who enjoys walking, heel pain can significantly impact your daily life. Understanding the underlying causes of heel pain is crucial for effective management…

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Plantar Fasciits or a Bruised Heel? Heel pain is probably the most common type of foot pain that I see in my clinics on a regular basis, often several a week. Although often diagnosed as Plantar Fasciits there are many other causes, and the treatment is different for each one, so vitally important that you…

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Active News March 2021 Group exercise is back!

Welcome to Active news. Monday 29th of March was a significant milestone in the pandemic as well as the health of the nation, with travel restrictions being eased and, more importantly, the reopening of sports clubs and group exercise activities. It seems fitting that our first opportunity to meet in groups will likely be for…

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