Heel That Pain – Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis, or Plantar Fasciopathy, is a repetitive strain injury to the thick band of connective tissue, called the Plantar Fascia, which runs underneath the foot and gives extra support and stability when standing and walking. As it is a major load bearing structure of the foot it is predisposed to…

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3 signs that it is ok to start running again after an injury

  3 signs that it is ok to start running again after an injury You are more or less pain free in normal daily activities and cross training exercises such as cycling, swimming and walking. Pain levels should be low, not increasing with activity and settling quickly after exercise. You have been doing your rehabilitation…

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How to Strengthen the Soleus Calf Muscle

What is the Soleus muscle? The Soleus is one of three calf muscles that run down the back of the leg from the knee to the Achilles tendon. This group of muscles is most active at the push-off, or late stance, phase of gait, plantar flexing the foot downwards to push us off the ground.…

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5 ways to fix your shin splints

5 ways to fix shin splints

  Shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome, is a common complaint in runners that can be hard to get rid of. The tibia, along with its smaller companion the fibula, is the long bone that runs from the knee to the ankle and is an important shock absorber in running as it bends in…

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