Why would you run in the rain?

Why would you run in the rain? “Are you mad?” A question often asked by my non running friends! And to be fair I do know a few fair-weather runners who retreat to the indoor ‘dreadmill’ on rainy days. But we live in England, and there is a lot of rain here! So limiting your…

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Is it ok to run with lower back pain

Is running a good idea if you have lower back pain?   It was a few weeks before the London Marathon and I was in big trouble. My training had gone well so far, but after doing a long run with some friends at a faster pace than I was used to, my back completely…

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Is running bad for your knees? The myth vs the reality.

Running and Knee Health: The Myth vs. Reality The idea that running is inherently bad for your knees is a common myth, but current research suggests otherwise. In fact, running might even be beneficial for knee health in many cases. Let’s break down what the evidence says: Myth: Running Causes Knee Osteoarthritis Many people believe…

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Do I need a Gait Analysis?

Gait analysis

  Do I need a gait analysis? The aim of a gait analysis is to identify if the way you walk and run is contributing to or increasing your risk of injury. Movement patterns such as excessive rolling in of the foot, or pronation, and instability at the hips due to hip muscle weakness, can…

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Heel That Pain – Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis, or Plantar Fasciopathy, is a repetitive strain injury to the thick band of connective tissue, called the Plantar Fascia, which runs underneath the foot and gives extra support and stability when standing and walking. As it is a major load bearing structure of the foot it is predisposed to…

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