3 signs that it is ok to start running again after an injury

  3 signs that it is ok to start running again after an injury You are more or less pain free in normal daily activities and cross training exercises such as cycling, swimming and walking. Pain levels should be low, not increasing with activity and settling quickly after exercise. You have been doing your rehabilitation…

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What are the benefits of gait retraining and can it reduce the risk of injury? The idea behind gait retraining is to change elements of your running gait technique or style in order to effect a change, leading either to improvements in performance or a reduction in the risk of injury. As runners we are…

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 Why do I keep getting the same running injury?

A jogger walking along a sunny country road

  As if getting a running injury is not frustrating enough, the research evidence tells us that you are much more likely to get the same injury again in the future. Why is this? When we suffer a running related injury such as an Achilles tendinopathy, the injured structure goes through cellular changes as part…

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